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Questions On Your Mind

How May We Help?

As a caring pet owner, there’s an endless stream of questions you need answered, and we’re more than happy to tell you everything you need to know. Take a look at the questions and answers below to see if your question is there. If there’s something else on your mind, feel free to get in touch with a member of our team today.

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Is it okay for my pet to have free range of my home?

It depends on what animals you have. But if you decided to allow your pets to free roam, please keep your 

house free of things that might hurt or kill your pets!


Is all pet food the same?

Nope. In fact different pets have different diets that are suitable and healthy to them. So please buy their specific

diet to ensure your pets to be healthy and happy!

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Does it really matter if I train my pet?

Its ok to not train your pet. Some pets can't be trained either. Choose your pets wisely!

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